Monday, February 17, 2020

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the World Bank as an Agent of Essay

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the World Bank as an Agent of Development - Essay Example The activities of the World Bank emphasize more on its role towards the developing nations, ones which are doing their best to catch on to the bandwagon of the developed nations. The fields that the World Bank focuses upon in these developed nations include human development which can take into concern the subjects related to education and health. The main purpose of World Bank’s creation was to facilitate the activities in the line of the postwar reconstruction. The earliest of loans were thus dedicated in all essence towards the causes of Japan and European nations. The tilt of the World Bank, in the beginning, was thus more on giving away it's funding to the nations which were in the middle of some turbulent times. This did not differentiate on the basis of country’s economic dependency and the respective amounts that it could deliver back to the World Bank in case of economic upheaval. Rather the weight was more on the aspects that were linked with the economic reso urces’ scarcity within the particular country. One of the issues that the World Bank has been persistently focusing its concentration upon is the fact related to the issues that come in line with the endangerment of a particular country’s livelihood. These include the different support programs with respect to HIV and AIDS to name a few. There is particular accent towards the matters related with the reduction of risks in line with the different projects by means of a better system of appraisal as well as different mechanisms are in place to supervise the projects in a better manner. Thus there is a multidimensional approach towards the overall development process. This overall development is in the form of different legal reforms, programs dedicated wholeheartedly towards education and the uplift through short-term activities in the same field, environmental safety programs and concerns including the awareness measures and events.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Case studies on performance management Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Studies on performance management - Case Study Example In order to improve her performance as a trainer we need to develop her procedural knowledge (Johnson, Star and Durkin, 2012). One way of doing it can be recording a class that is being conducted by her and then once she gets over with it, we can ask her to have a look at it while we discuss the shortcomings of the class that was taken by her. In this way she will get a good understanding as where she is lacking behind and where she needs to improve further. Performance is a combination of the declarative knowledge in which a person has the informative knowledge of his or her job role and procedural knowledge in which the person needs to understand the complete ‘know-how ‘of doing the job. She needs to be aware that simply delivering a training module will not be sufficient for her trainees to learn. She needs to make sure that her trainees understand the concept and learn to apply them in their daily work schedule. Only then can training be called complete. In order to do so she needs to be aware of the fact that she has to be very friendly with her trainees so that they can freely ask her ques tions if they have a doubt. She needs to have a two step process in her training module. The first step will be the lecture phase where she will be presenting or explaining the concept that needs to be learnt and understood by the trainees. This process will create a general understanding of the topics. She start her training with a brief introduction of the topics that will be discussed and then move onto the in depth study of the topics. In this section she should be open to questions and critics from the trainees. She needs to give them the leverage to be able to ask her questions no matter how stupid the question may be. Once the delivery of the lecture is over she should move on to the next phase of the training which will be the discussion phase. The will be a more of two way discussion. She will try to understand to understand the topic from her