Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Wretched and Divine by The Black Veil Brides free essay sample

â€Å"The Story of the Wild Ones† â€Å"Got something to live for. I know that I won’t surrender, a warrior of youth† ~ †I Am Bulletproof† by the Black Veil Brides. Once again, the Black Veil Brides have blown away the ears of their followers with their outstanding voices as well as their increasingly spirited and improved success. In January 8, 2013, they released their third brand new album, The Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones and set themselves on N.7 on the Billboard 200 Chart. The band has immensely stepped up their skills raising their one-week-after-release sales up to 42,000 albums from only 11,000 albums in a week on their first album and 23,000 albums on their second album. This album is a tremendously arranged concept album based on the idea of not giving up and letting your voice be heard. One of their quotes is, â€Å"You can live your life in heaven, or create your hell. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wretched and Divine by The Black Veil Brides or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We will write our end result with every tale we tell.† Their lyrics are highly praised and the songs represent a lot of common feelings among the populations. The songs contain words that you actually decide to think about instead of just listening to and they mean something to the listener. These include examples of ignoring the ones who go against you or not thinking about all the negative things that happen to you. Any dedicated fan to BVB or the genre of music would love this album and have waited since 2011 for this new release. Along with this album, the Black Veil Brides released a movie, The Legion of the Black, about the characters they created in F.E.A.R. (‘For Every All Religion.’) Although I have not yet watched the movie, this CD is leading me to have this urge of watching it very soon. Andrew Biersack spent days on end creating the songs. This concept album is an extraordinary work of art and you could obviously tell that the Black Veil Brides work ed very hard on The Wretched and Divine.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Las generalidades de la gestión

Las generalidades de la gestià ³n Free Online Research Papers Las generalidades de la gestià ³n La mayorà ­a de las empresas que ingresan o trabajan en los mercados usualmente tienen que ajustar sus modelos de negocios, hacer una reingenierà ­a de sus productos o servicios, y explorar nuevas alternativas y caminos de distribucià ³n. No existe una solucià ³n universal. Algunos modelos de negocios ya han sido explorados y ofrecen buenas pautas para futuros enfoques y la inclusià ³n econà ³mica de las mayoristas. Estas nuevas alternativas, muchas veces son expandidas por personas con experiencia los cuales prefieren emprender una carrera en negocios personales antes de sacrificar su vida en una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a que nos les pertenece. El caso de Kathy Kudler quien fue la Vicepresidenta de Mercadotecnia, cansada de constantes viajes y presiones de la vida empresarial, desarrolla un plan de negocios en el que consiguià ³ financiamiento y abrià ³ su primera tienda Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) en La Jolla, San Diego. Estas decisiones y cambios radicales de personas con puestos envidiables en compaà ±Ãƒ ­as grandes y multinacionales, son unas que vemos todos los dà ­as. La mayorà ­a de estos ejecutivos son excelentes administradores y là ­deres en su rama, pero prefieren tomar ventaja de todas las tà ©cnicas y herramientas que aprendieron durante su carrera profesional e implantarlas en su propio negocio. Los là ­deres deben analizar primero la situacià ³n y descubrir los factores clave en las tareas, los empleados y la organizacià ³n, que indican cual estilo serà ­a à ³ptimo para esa combinacià ³n, (Davis Newstrom, 2003). Como parte de su plan estratà ©gico, Kathy se asegura que entiende las necesidades de sus clientes y se enfoca en sus diferenciadores del mercado al proveer productos de alta calidad en su moderna panaderà ­a estilo europeo. Adems ofrece tambià ©n carnes, pescados, mariscos y productos agrà ­colas en donde ofrece ms de 350 variedades de frutas, verduras, hierbas y especies frescas. KFF es una tienda de alimentos de especialidad dirigida a un estrato social alto y ubicado en el rea metropolitana de San Diego. La misià ³n de Kudler Fine Foods es ofrecer a los clientes lo mejor en productos alimenticios y vinos selectos, asà ­ como lo concerniente a las necesidades relacionadas en un ambiente sin paralelo para el consumidor, (University of Phoenix, 2008, prrafo 3). KFF esta presidida por Kathy Kudler que cuenta con tres gerentes de tienda; Laurie Priest, gerente de la tienda de Del Mar, Juanita Là ³pez y Kent Vesper, gerentes de las tiendas de Encinitas y La Jolla respectivamente. Cada gerente es responsable a su vez por cada una de sus tiendas en particular. Los productos y servicios ofrecidos estn divididos por departamentos tales como: 1. Departamento de panaderà ­a y reposterà ­a recià ©n horneada, que a su vez es dirigido por un gerente y seis asistentes. 2. Departamento de productos agrà ­colas y alimenticios, que a su vez es dirigido por un gerente y dos asistentes. 3. Departamento de carnes, pescados y mariscos frescos, que a su vez es dirigido por un gerente y cinco asistentes. 4. Departamento de quesos, vinos y licores, que a su vez es dirigido por un gerente y un asistente. Como parte de la misià ³n empresarial de KFF, provee las mejores selecciones en sus productos y reclutar el mejor personal para poder ofrecer a cada consumidor una experiencia placentera, se asignà ³ a Ivonne Reynolds como directora de operaciones, la cual recaen las responsabilidades de compras e inventario. Brenda Wagner, directora de administracià ³n y recursos humanos, se enfoca en el reclutamiento de personal diestro y servicial. Finalmente, Harvey Stephens, actà ºa como director de contabilidad y finanzas. El grado de innovacià ³n que KFF hace referencia al desarrollo de sus actividades de negocio pueden maximizarse con el uso del Internet. Cada dà ­a surgen nuevas plataformas que posibilitan a KFF descubrir las funcionalidades y servicios que el Internet ofrece, facilitando que estas ventajas no sean sà ³lo para una pequeà ±a elite. Mediante la planificacià ³n colaborativa entre KFF y sus suplidores, la empresa puede comunicarse y compartir inventarios. De esa forma, los proveedores saben que productos se estn moviendo ms y pueden reaccionar a las necesidades de KFF rpidamente. Un catlogo virtual expone todos los productos y servicios que KFF puede ofrecer y siempre con la flexibilidad de acomodar cualquier orden que los clientes necesiten ubicar. El à ©xito de estas iniciativas demuestra que a veces las soluciones aparentemente mas sencillas para el usuario son las que logran imponerse y que en numerosas ocasiones la creatividad gana la partida a la sofisticacià ³n, (Subirana, 2007). El Internet fomenta la capacidad del comercio electrà ³nico para KFF a travà ©s de reduccià ³n de costos de distribucià ³n, la posibilidad de acceder a nuevos mercados y la posibilidad de un gran impacto en su mercado actual y sobreponer sus ventajas comparativas de servicio y excelentes productos frescos sobre sus competidores. Las barreras de ingreso al mundo del comercio electrà ³nico son relativamente bajas, (Thompson Jr. Strickland III, 2004). El costo de establecer una pgina en el Internet y sus programas bases no son costosos. De esa forma, es ms fcil para KFF navegar por el Internet y escoger diferentes diseà ±os y modificarlos. Esto ayuda a reducir costos de diseà ±o y tiempo del programador. Finalmente, el Internet puede ayudar a maximizar los costos operacionales de KFF mediante el control absoluto de sus inventarios, embarques y ventas diarias. La utilizacià ³n de data real y al segundo, es una gran herramienta para que sus directores y gerentes puedan tomar decisiones sabias y con fundamento ayudando a maximizar los recursos laborales que eventualmente, impactan positivamente a sus clientes. Citas bibliogrficas Daccach, J. C. (July 3, 2007). Opinià ³n-Principal factor para tener à ©xito en Internet; [Source: El Reporte Delta]. NoticiasFinancieras, pg.1. Retrieved September 28, 2008, from ProQuest Newsstand database. (Document ID: 1298857651). Davis, K. Newstrom, J.W. (2003). Comportamiento Humano en el trabajo, (e.11) Capitulo 7: Liderazgo. [Coleccià ³n de libros electrà ³nicos de la University of Phoenix]. Mà ©xico: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Consultado el 28 de Septiembre de 2008 en la University of Phoenix, rEsource. Herramientas de aprendizaje: Sitio Web del Curso de MBA507. Subirana, B. (April 4, 2007). Second Life, ms all de la tecnologà ­a. Economista. Retrieved September 28, 2008, from Latin American Newsstand database. (Document ID: 1249448021). Thompson Jr., A. Strickland III, A. J. (2004). Administracià ³n estratà ©gica, (e.13) Capitulo 7: Modelos y estrategias de negocios en la era de internet. [Coleccià ³n de libros electrà ³nicos de la University of Phoenix]. Mà ©xico: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, Consultado el 28 de Septiembre de 2008 en la University of Phoenix, rEsource. Herramientas de aprendizaje: Sitio Web del Curso de MBA507. University of Phoenix. (2008). Kudler Fine Foods [Misià ³n empresarial]. Consultado el 28 de Septiembre de 2008 en la University of Phoenix, rEsource. Herramientas de aprendizaje: Sitio Web del Curso de MBA507. Research Papers on Las generalidades de la gestià ³nResearch Process Part OneAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaGenetic EngineeringTwilight of the UAWLifes What IfsThe Project Managment Office SystemInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesPETSTEL analysis of IndiaRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product

Friday, November 22, 2019

106 Animals With Unusual Group Names

106 Animals With Unusual Group Names Leave it to the animal kingdom to bring us some unusual and fun-to-say names for certain animal groups. While it may be easy to think of all animals in terms of herds and packs, its so much more fun to learn the true group names for some of your favorite animals. Whether its an unkindness of ravens or a cete of badgers, the animal kingdom is rich with clever and creative names for groupings of animals. From a wake of buzzards to a leap of lizards, explore the following odd and awesome animal group names throughout the rest of the article, categorized alphabetically by the animals mentioned and used in fun sentences that I hope tells a compelling narrative of exploring over 100 unique names of groups of animals. From a Rookery of Albatrosses to a Murder of Crows The etymology of why we call groups of animals a particular noun truly derives from humans instinctive nature to categorize and compartmentalize identifiers in their brain. For this reason, collective nouns were created to describe particular animal groups. That way, even without the identifying noun of the animal itself, when referring to collective nouns like a shrewdness roaming the jungle, one can safely assume the speaker is talking about a group of apes. Did you know a group of albatross was called a rookery or a group of alligators called a congregation or that baboons travel in troops while badgers travel in cetes and bats in cauldrons? Its best to be wary when a sloth of bears comes lumbering through the woods, which may occur as a sedge of American bitterns, a chain of bobolinks, a bellowing of bullfinches or a wake of buzzards circle overhead. Hunters may take bloodhounds out in a sute, but a clowder or pounce of cats or kindle or litter of kittens wouldnt be quite right for the job. Still, while roaming through the obstinacy of buffalo, one might notice an army of caterpillars, or more rarely a coalition of cheetahs somewhere on the open plains. Be careful not to step on a quiver of cobras, the resulting scream may set a gulp of cormorants or a cover of coots, or worse yet a murder or horde of crows to flight.   From a Pack of Dogs to a Leash of Foxes Dogs can either be identified as a litter of puppies, a pack of wild dogs, or a cowardice of curs while donkeys travel in groups known as paces. In terms of flying creatures, dotterels travel in trips, turtle doves in pityings, ducks swim in groups called rafts but fly in formations called flocks, while groups of eagles are proudly referred to as convocations. You wont want to miss a parade of elephants or a gang of elk roaming around, and a mob of emus and a business of ferrets are not quite as frightening as they sound. A cloud of grasshoppers, though, truly is terrifying, but you can take solace in that a tribe of goats will likely eat an entire cloud if given the chance. Some names, like a charm of finches, a tower of giraffes, a prickle of porcupines and a stand of flamingos make sense just because of the creature groups they name - finches are charming, giraffes do tower, porcupines do prickle and flamingos typically stand on one leg! However, Ive never seen a leash on a fox, but a group of foxes is called a leash. From a Band of Gorillas to a Parliament of Owls Groups of gorillas are known as bands, which bazars of guillemots or confusions of guinea fowls would certainly enjoy if only they played instruments! Bloats of hippopotamus or cackles of hyenas could bask by the watering hole while a shadow of jaguars, an ambush of tigers, a troop of kangaroos and a party of jays watch from the bushes! Elsewhere in the jungle, a conspiracy of lemurs leisurely hangs amongst the vines as a leap of leopards (or lizards, as the term fits both) and a pride of lions circle the group below. Meanwhile, a mischief of mice and labor of moles fights for control over a hollowed out tree stump they both want to call home while a barrel of monkeys hoots and holler at a passing barren of mules. In the category of flight, lapwings travel in deceits, larks in exaltations, mallards in sords, magpies in tidings or gulps, martins in richnesses, nightingales in watches and owls in parliaments. A pandemonium of parrots or a covey of partridges may also take part in a gathering of birds, while ostentations of peacocks may want to stand apart from the crowds. From a Rookery of Penguins to a Zeal of Zebras Penguins travel in groups called colonies, musters, parcels or rookeries - depending on the type of penguin - while otters travel in romps and jellyfish in smacks. Elsewhere underwater, a pod of porpoises, a fever of stingrays, a shiver of sharks, and a run of salmon frolick beneath the surface.   In the air, ravens travel in kindnesses, snipes in walks, sparrows in hosts, starlings in murmurations, and storks in musterings. Groups of swans are called bevies while groups of trush are called mutations. Turkeys travel in gangs (watch out) and vultures circle in kettles. Waterfowls travel in knobs but wildfowls travel in plumps and woodpeckers descend on trees in groups called descents. On land, a coterie of prairie dogs pops up on an unsuspecting nest of rabbits, a gaze of raccoons, a scurry of squirrels and a building of rooks. A rhumba of rattlesnakes shake their tails as a crash of rhinoceroses and a congress of salamanders pass too close, and a cluster of spiders hide in response.  A mud pit full of pigs can be referred to as a passel or a sounder while polecats specifically travel in chines. Whales travel in pods and wolves travel in packs while groups of wombats are called wisdoms and groups of zebras called zeals.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Define the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity for the Christian Research Paper

Define the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity for the Christian faith. Analyze the history and development of that doctr - Research Paper Example Basically Christian understanding concerning the Trinity starts from the two elements, namely His essense and His acts, which are the way of functioning of the three Persons in the Trinity. Human beings thus far haven't been able to have a frame of reference in order to explain the Mystery of Trinity and can never do that also. But only thing we can know is Logic cannot transcend divinity. If man's knowledge is like a drop of water, then the knowledge of God would be like an ocean which transcends all limits. Thus we don't have the eligibility, neither have we the capability to comprehend His mystery. His true entity no one can ever understand. Gregory of Nazianzen expresses God as, â€Å"One God, One in diversity, diverse in Unity, wherein is a marvel† (Second Theological Oration par. 1). We believe in His essence because we experience his energies. Rational bases even if are good, not always vital for stability of our faith. Still we have Scriptural resources, and historic t heological literatures which definitely help us to grasp enough about the mystery of the Triune God. Only whatever is necessary for our finite understanding is revealed by God. In this paper, the writer would try to analyse how important the doctrine of Trinity is for the Christians, further looking through the historical development of the doctrine and the firmness of the doctrine in the minds of the Christians. IMPORTANCE OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY: As we said at the outset, Christian faith balances upon the reality of God, His Triune existence. The doctrine elaborates the reality of God and explains the mysteries. It reveals God's personality. It says that God is not simply a supernatural entity but He is a person with a personality. It brings into light the function of the Godhead in three streams- The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, explaining their acts in history of humanity and the sole focus to redeem humanity from the clutches of sin and death. The Father, the fi rst Person in the Godhead is the sender of the Son who came down to earth, sacrificing all the glory of the Heaven, to offer Himself as a vicarious sacrifice for the sins of the entire humanity. The Father reveals the grandeur of His love for humanity through His Son. The Son is the second Person in the Godhead Who alone was qualified to do the task. He finished His work of bringing redemption for man by defeating death and overpowering the effect of sin. Moreover He became an ideal for being obedient, which was the very mistake of Man that brought sin into the world. Holy Spirit is the third Person in the Godhead Who is the transformer of human heart by the planting of Christ into his/her life through penitence, making him/her return from sin. He guides a person in the spiritual journey in this life making the person more like Christ every day. Without the Holy Spirit, the redemption offered by Christ cannot be experienced fully. â€Å"Redemption, therefore, in historic Christiani ty is initiated by the Father (Galatians 4:4), accomplished through the Son (1 Peter 3:18), and is applied by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5)† (Samples par.3). Thus the whole process of redemption which is the core of God's mission in this world is not feasible without the Trinity i.e. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit all together. Trinitarian concept of God also solves another problem. According to St. Augustine, only the God Who is united in His plural nature can be loving. Unless God is plural in Himself and is solitary, then the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

MM416 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MM416 - Essay Example Strategic management accounting has not been described in a justifiable way in order to eliminate any doubts of reflection in the management accounting textbooks (Hoffjan & WÃ ¶mpener , 2006). Therefore, the lack of use vastly recognized understanding is associated to the reluctance of the textbook authors in the usage of "strategic management accounting." There are different ways through which Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) determine management accounting innovation in an organization. According to David Naranjo-Gil, innovation in management accounting is referred to practices, and ideas that are viewed as new in its adoption in improving organizational efficiency and performance (Naranjo-Gil , Maas , & Hartmann , 2008). Therefore, CFOs determine and ensure the adoption of these practices by assessing and reporting the required financial and non-financial information in making concrete organizational decisions. The individual variances between CFOs and their respective characteristics dictate the use of organizational innovation in management accounting. According to a dissemination study on management accounting, most public sectors adoption of management accounting innovations is significantly affected by the central government. As a result, the determination of management accounting innovation by CFOs is based on various politica l and economic factors. Strategic planning process is a core element in improving organizational efficiency and business operations. According to Gonn K. Weide, there are a vast range characteristic of strategic planning process that can be adopted by the management in accomplishing short-term and long-term organizational goals. For instance, an effective strategic planning must incorporate communication strategy, a task force, vision and mission statement, values, goals and objectives, activities, an implementation strategy, and a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The red room by H.G Wells Essay Example for Free

The red room by H.G Wells Essay The Red Room is a spine chiller written by H.G Wells. The story is set at Lorraine Castle where a specific room is preoccupied by ghastly spirits. This story The Red Room is about a man (narrator) who seeks spirits inside Lorraine Castle, with his only protection as his revolver. The spirit welcomes the man in an uncomfortable manner, moving furniture, candles going out without smoke and other procedures which the spirit posses. His excuse for the cause of this terror is that ghosts are not inquisitive in this room but is this mans nature (fear) itself that is broader. Already this has begun where effectively you contrast imagery and excitement, making the story feel haunted and more spine chilling. These contrasts of images appear suddenly such as castle that develops other imagery haunted. This opens the story up well that makes the beginning scene effective scaring the audience and increasing their interests in the story. The narrator in the story plays important parts showing he is unaware of the possible outcomes that may occur, this makes his character more significant. The way this makes the narrator to become more significant is the change of character. At the beginning of the story the man (narrator) represents himself as a calm and still person. The way that the narrator has expressed this is that it will take a very tangible ghost to frighten me. This characteristic soon changes where he starts to hallucinate becoming superstitious of the ghastly happenings that occur around him before he enters the red room. darkness closed upon me like the shutting of an eye, wrapped about me in a stifling embrace sealed my vision. Again the man shows another change towards his attitude in which he expresses his outer fear, talking broader, louder than he is whispering. This makes the narrator more significant in the story than any other character The man with the withered arm is an old character, living at this castle for eight-and-twenty years that has not yet glanced at a ghost before his eyes. Its your own choosing said the man with the withered arm, when the coughing has ceased for a while. This quote shows imagery that the old man is withered on one of the two arms he has, also the way he walks indicates some other imagery that does not appeal to the story but in the audiences mind instead. Other than imagery and description that he is withered and old there is a sign of repetition. The quote above Its you own choosing replicates, the withered man repeats this throughout the story, also this points to the audience a phrase that replicates in their minds. Another character the old woman, again a person who has past her age in living both by her appearance and her attitude. The description of her pale eyes indicates that death is not far away spending most of her time staring at the fire. This nights of all nights The quote above is a repetition explaining about that tonight something will happen which has never occurred before for some time. This also shows that the old woman could be either very superstitious or indeed psychic, predicting the future of tonight that something will happen. The further character in the story is another man but older and is described in more detail than the other characters in the story. These include a crutch that held him steadily, and eyes that were small, bright, and inflamed. A monstrous shadow of him crouched upon the wall and mocked his action as he poured and drank This personification shows human characteristics monstrous shadow that the audience sees as a technique in creating a spine chiller. The audiences reaction in this personification is imagery of the old man drinking with a monstrous shadow above his head enlarged onto the wall behind him. There is to my mind something inhuman in senility, something crouching and  atavistic; the human qualities seem to drop from old people insensibly day by day This quote is described as the change of mood appealing to the old people living in Lorraine castle. Human qualities seem to drop from old people, indicate that they are becoming closer to death when loosing their human qualities. This mood also relates back to old peoples appearance for example, how they illustrate their repetitions to the man (narrator) and also the audience. An additional character the young Duke was a person who tried to get his revenge upon the ghostly spirits to end his superstition. He had begun his dying, for he had opened the door and fallen headlong down the steps. This indicates he was pushed by his superstition to end his vigil. His gallant attempt to conquer the ghostly tradition of the place. Shows his ambition in finishing the fears that haunt Lorraine Castle. Although the young duke does not exist with the different characters in the story, but I think he brought the plot into reality allowing the man (narrator) to play the important character. If the duke were to succeed with his ambition, and conquer the ghostly tradition then the whole plot will become entirely different. Throughout this spine chilling story I have grasped shocking imagery that gives this story suspense. The author used this imagery to create an atmosphere against good vs. evil or man vs. nature, except this time nature wins the ending of the story. I have noticed that fear (nature) is stronger than superstition because fear controls both the inner and the outer person allowing them to then become superstitious. Other ways in which the author expresses atmosphere is the use of personification. Metaphors and similes can sometimes be expressed as personification where the surroundings are intangible and inanimate. An example of how the author used this metaphor personification is ocean of mystery, where the atmosphere of the ocean is mystery, this cannot be seen nor touched therefore it is personification. These are more techniques that the author uses in creating suspense full of  spine chilling events.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The History of Welfare in America Essay -- Origins of Public Welfare P

Welfare has been a safety net for many Americans, when the alternative for them is going without food and shelter. Over the years, the government has provided income for the unemployed, food assistance for the hungry, and health care for the poor. The federal government in the nineteenth century started to provide minimal benefits for the poor. During the twentieth century the United States federal government established a more substantial welfare system to help Americans when they most needed it. In 1996, welfare reform occurred under President Bill Clinton and it significantly changed the structure of welfare. Social Security has gone through significant change from FDR’s signing of the program into law to President George W. Bush’s proposal of privatized accounts. The increase in industrialization in the U.S. during the 1820’s caused a rise in homelessness. Women made up the majority of the homeless population. During the beginning of the nineteenth century, private charities helped provide food and shelter for the homeless. Towards the end of the nineteenth century men became the majority of the homeless population. The federal government created â€Å"mother’s pension laws† which were protective labor laws that assisted poor women and children. Shelters required a work test for men to enter and only allowed them to stay for a limited amount of time. Charities did not help men in the nineteenth century (Homelessness in the United States). On October 29, 1929, the roaring twenties ended. The U.S. stock market crashed and the Great Depression began. Those who had invested in the stock market for retirement saw their investments disappear. President Franklin Roosevelt’s â€Å"New Deal† focused first on providing employment for the... ...for Children and Families. 6 Mar 2009. . â€Å"Medicaid Home Page.† 16 Sept 2004. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 6 Mar 2009. . Shields, Mark. â€Å"Messing with Social Security.† 7 Mar 2009. . â€Å"Bill of Rights in Action.† June 1998. Constitutional Rights Foundation. 6 Mar 2009. . â€Å"Food Stamp Program.† 4 Feb 2005. Food and Nutrition Service. 6 Mar 2009. . â€Å"Women, Infants, and Children.† 1 Jan 2004. Food and Nutrition Service. 6 Mar 2009. . â€Å"The Future of Social Security.† Mar 2005. Social Security Administration. 6 Mar 2009. .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Holmes in the room Essay

‘ His ability to withdraw within himself and to detach himself is reinforced with his preference for German music; ‘it is introspective and I want to introspect. ‘ This behaviour is shown yet again in Silver Blaze in his movement from ‘day-dreaming’ and ‘absorbed in his own thoughts’ to ‘suppressed excitement’. This essence of his character is also a strong reference to Victorian morality in the duality of human nature. Conan Doyle’s stories convey the sense of a double life led by many middle class men, in particular. Conan Doyle conveys Holmes as possessing a character that changes from the ‘languid’, ‘dreamy’, ‘gentle’ sense of his inertia to his predatory qualities; ‘Holmes the sleuth-hound, Holmes the relentless, keen-witted, ready criminal agent’. The words ‘swing of his nature’ and ‘alternately’ further contribute to our impression of his dual nature. There is also a symbolic representation of a duality of human nature in the contrast between the ‘shabby’, ‘faded’, ‘weedy’ side of the square and the ‘fine’ ‘stately’ side that backs the pawnbroker and represents commerce. The gap between rich and poor widened with the growth in industry during the Victorian era. The growth in wealth is shown in the metaphor of a ‘tide’ and ‘immense stream’ of increasing wealth. Dual nature is also clearly identified in Silver Blaze when Silas Brown is shown to have two personalities; ‘never have I seen such a change as had been brought about in Silas Brown in that short time’. In The Man with the Twisted Lip you will find the strongest representation of dual nature. At the beginning of the story Holmes disguises himself as a ‘tall, thin old man’ so that not even Watson, his closest friend can recongise him. Conan Doyle describes the change in Holmes ‘his form had filled out, his wrinkles were gone, the dull eyes had regained their fire’. Doyle’s language in the paragraph conveys the duality of man and as the paragraph progresses, language marks Holmes’ transformation from ‘very thin; very wrinkled, bent with age’ to his real self. Finally he regains his ingenious disguise to ‘doddering, loose-lipped senility’. But the strongest personification of the dual nature of man lies in Neville St. Clair who is the embodiment of Victorian double personality; one life by day and another by night. The first evidence of this lies in his two distinct writing styles of which he has a different style for ‘when he wrote hurriedly’. But the main reference to duality of nature appears near the end of the story when Holmes starts scrubbing off the beggar man’s, Boone’s, face to reveal his true persona – Neville St. Clair. The description of the face peeled off and exposing the ‘refined’ man beneath shows the true extent of Victorian double nature. There is also a strong metaphor for the merging of the two sides of his character; ‘the horrid scar which had seamed it across’. In The Red-Headed League Holmes’s appearance is compared to that of a ‘strange bird’ with a ‘hawk like nose’. This draws an image of an almost predatory figure in the reader’s mind. This image is further reinforced in The Red-Headed League with his quick firing of questions to Jabez Wilson. These questions reflect his razor sharp ability to extract information and also his quick-thinking mind. He is also described as a bird in The Man with the Twisted Lip when Conan Doyle draws attention to his ‘strong set aquiline features’. This description could also be in reference to the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of the Species and the idea that human kind were descendants of animals, beasts. There is also a reminder of Darwin’s theory in The Speckled Band; ‘I have heard, Mr Holmes, that you can see deeply into the manifold wickedness of the human heart. ‘ There was a huge fear in Victorian times that men possessed a bestial quality. This also conveys the Victorian double standard because Holmes works for the good of society, but possesses something that draws him towards evil. This is reinforced again in Silver Blaze when he is described as having ‘menace in his eyes’. In the Victorian age, a certain type of novel emerged from the largely romantic literary background, the Gothic novel, which was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole who wrote The Castle of Otranto in 1764. It has been suggested, by the critic Ann B. Tracy, that the Gothic novel could be seen as a description of a fallen world. While Sherlock Holmes is certainly a hero in many senses, in that he solves crimes, repeatedly saves people from the forces of evil and restores moral values while he is at it, he could also certainly be seen as a Gothic hero. It is his strong power of perception that solves crimes, and it is his hunger for sensation that drives his crime-solving and his cocaine use. To succeed as a detective Holmes frequently must himself descend into London’s underworld, which further reinforces the theory of a fallen world. It could be said that in all of the Sherlock Holmes stories there is a Gothic element in the form of a mysterious, inexplicable situation. This could be definitely be seen in The Red-Headed League, but to really discover the more detailed elements that constitute the genre of a Gothic novel we can look no further than The Speckled Band, which is littered with references to a true Gothic novel. First of all there is the woman in distress, in this case taking the presence of Helen Stoner, who ‘arrived in a considerable state of excitement’. She is described as being ‘in a pitiable state of agitation, her face all dawn and grey, with restless, frightened eyes’, which certainly conforms to the Gothic element of women with highly wrought emotions. There is also a woman in high state of emotion present in Silver Blaze when Mrs. Straker’s ‘face was haggard, and†¦ stamped with the print of a recent horror’. Also present in The Speckled Band which is an element of a Gothic story is the occurrence of a cruel, tyrannical male who threatens and harms a woman, which appears in the form of Dr Grimsby Roylott, whom Helen Stoner appears to be considerably afraid of when she tries to hide the marks on her arm; ‘you have been cruelly used’. Then there is the setting in a ruined building, Stoke Moran, which seems to be in a considerable state of disrepair; ‘the building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone†¦. windows were broken†¦. a picture of ruin’. There is also a sense of mystery and suspense as the question is posed whether or not Dr Roylott killed Helen’s sister. Also the fact that Helen Stoner has been effectively forced into living in her sister’s room could be seen as a Gothic element, as could the eerie whistle which both the sisters heard in the dead of night. Conan Doyle’s literary masterpieces are been enjoyed by thousands for almost a century now and continue to capture the hearts of both young and old. So brilliant and absorbing are these stories that when Sherlock Holmes was ‘killed’ in The Final Problem fans complained so forcefully that Conan Doyle was compelled to resurrect him again. Holmes fans even refer to the time in between his death and revivification as the ‘Great Hiatus’. The Guinness World Records has consistently listed him as the â€Å"most portrayed movie character† with over 70 actors playing the part in over 200 films. A rare manuscript of one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s final Sherlock Holmes stories has recently been expected to fetch a whopping i 250,000 at auction. Overall there have been 56 short stories and 4 novels, written over a decade. These accounts are littered with references to Victorian England and can help people today to understand what life was like in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Kate Manson 10S Page 1 of 5 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Love vs. Sex

Many people pair love along side of sex, thinking the two go hand in hand, when in reality, they don’t. Sex is an action out of lust, the fact that people can have casual hook ups, with no attachments illustrates this. Love is a deep emotion between two people, this leads to commitment, usually marriage, and sex, but a different kind, one that is purely an act of love. By combining the two in a literary work, it detracts from the aesthetic quality of it, undermining the message behind the poem, making it no longer about love, but lust.The poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† is a perfect example of how placing love and sex together in a poem takes away from the work, leaving the reader less impacted by the poem as a whole. Love is an amazing emotion, something that no one can quite understand, and that never changes. Love has always been a large part of the human culture, something that will always be relevant, even in years to come. The need to be someone’s â€Å"on e and only†, what they live for from day to day, to have someone care about you that much is priceless.It is the need to be desired, and taken care of, that drives people to find love. You find someone with common interests, and you talk, you go out on a few dates, and then it happens– you begin to fall for that person, completely in love. Love leads to commitment, and then marriage, something that is so sacred, you promise to â€Å"love and cherish† that one person â€Å"’til death do you part†, never leaving their side, hurting when they hurt, joyous when they are joyous.An example of this from â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† is found in the beginning of the poem, â€Å"for, Lady you deserve this state, nor would I love at lower rate†, this is stated after the narrator tells a young lady about how beautiful, and wonderful she is, trying to sweep her away with loving words, attempting to make her fall in love with him. Once you have this s ort of love, you can link sex with it, but only then. Sex is an act of love that has been reserved for a husband and wife, the marriage bed, this act of sex is not of lust, but out of pure feeling and trust for the other person.By you giving your body to someone, you are showing them that you are also giving them your heart, proving your love to them, in the greatest way possible. Without love, sex is nothing but an action, being caught up in the moment, taking advantage of an opportunity that has been placed before you. In the next stanza of â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, Marvell states this â€Å"that long preserved virginity, and your quaint honor turn to dust, and into ashes all my lust. † Here, the narrator revels his true intentions, seeking only a one night stand, persuading the young lady to seize the opportunity, and spend the night with him.Sex is thought of so casually now a days, hardly having any meaning behind it anymore, with that being said, you can have s ex with anyone you choose to, obviously having no romantic emotions for the other person. Hooking up with someone after a night at the bar cannot be compared to the interaction between people who have been together for years, working on building their relationship and an emotional connection. To be able to take something so pure and sacred and make it apart of an interaction with a stranger takes away from the meaning of love and sex, you can no longer pair the two together.For an author to link sex and love together in a poem, story, or essay is undermining the meaning and value of love, and the role it plays in sex. Marvell begins the poem wooing the young lady, â€Å"an hundred years should go to praise, thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze, two hundred to adore each breast, but thirty thousand to the rest† such romantic words that hint at love. Then the idea of love is washed away with lines like â€Å"the grave’s a fine and private place, but none, I think, do th ere embrace†, making the narrator’s true intentions of sex known.By mixing love, and sex together, the poem’s meaning loses its impact, no longer being romantic, but only a well planned pick up line. â€Å"Let us roll all our strength, and all our sweetness, up into one ball and tear our pleasure with rough strife, thorough the iron gates of life† solidifies the narrator’s true intentions, separating love from sex. â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† clearly shows that love and sex cannot be linked together in literary works without undermining the principle of love and taking away from the message the author is trying to convey.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Become a Networking Expert by Following This 5 Step Plan

Become a Networking Expert by Following This 5 Step Plan It would be great if we could get a job from the safety of our couches, in our pajamas, without having to leave the house. Unfortunately, almost no one actually gets hired from online applications. Networking is still the best way to get your foot in the door. And networking requires both wearing pants- and social skills. Here are five things you absolutely have to do to be one step closer to becoming a networking expert. Prepare in advanceHave a plan before you walk up to the big fish and try to reel them in. Figure out whom you might have the opportunity to meet at any particular event, then learn as much as you can about them. Figure out what you should emphasize to each, and how best to frame yourself. Practice your pitch. Bring plenty of business cards.Ease UpThis isn’t the same as selling used cars. You’re not the Avon lady. Most sentient humans will appreciate a little more sincerity. Remember- you don’t have to be in sales mode all the time in every encou nter. Try connecting on a personal level first and letting the conversation evolve naturally before you start thrusting your business cards in people’s faces.Show upAs great as it would be to send somebody to network for us, this just doesn’t work. Don’t send a friend or colleague- or your sister- to shake hands with that particular hiring manager if you can’t attend yourself. Send a professionally worded email explaining how much you’d like to meet and see if you can’t find another opportunity instead.Expand your reachDon’t play it safe. Your contacts, no matter how many you have, are not enough. It will always be beneficial to keep growing your network and making more connections. You never know when you will need them. Get out there and mingle!Follow upThis is perhaps the most important step in the whole process. Whether you send a handwritten note or an email, it’s absolutely crucial to follow up. It shows your interest and your professionalism, and has the added benefit of reminding that connection you exist!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Brave New World

The mindset the government had was they were constantly making newer and better technology to create â€Å"perfect† individuals without error. The mockery made him feel an outsider; and feeling an outsider he behaved like one, which increased the prejudice against him and intensified the contempt and hostility aroused by his physical defects. Which in turn increased his sense of being alien and alone. A chronic fear of being slighted made him avoid his equals, made him stand, where his inferiors were concerned, self-consciously on his dignity. this direct quote is an exact example of the society we live in today. Mainly women, with some men think they are ugly. It seems as if many Americans believe that plastic surgery is the answer to becoming beautiful. Our culture is not accepting to the fact that most people living in this world are happy with the way their body and looks are. Self consciousness is the main reason for a person in this day and age to change the way they loo k by injecting harmful chemicals into their bodies. These people will have to live with it for the rest of their lives whether they are happy with it or not. There are so Makidon 2 many advertisements and beauty products that encourage humans to change their personal appearance. Natural beauty was given to every individual from birth, whether it may be looks or the heart of a person. Alpha children wear grey. They work much harder than we do, because theyre so frightfully clever. Im awfully glad Im a Beta, because I dont work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I dont want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. Theyre too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly colour. Im so glad Im a Beta. becoming of the work place is sometimes harder for some than others because of the different tasks one is asked to perform. Three different routes could lead any one to success today. The first one is joining the military. Not only do you get great benefits for health care, family housing and work conditions, but the government pays for all of your expenses for college. Even if your degree takes 12 years to reach, the government pays for all expenses besides tuition and meals. The second is going to college. This can lead to an important role in society and it provides an individual with a career and plenty of job opportunities. The third is staring young and making your way up in a certain franchise. Although it is not as common as getting a college degree, many people can be successful by working hard and becoming the best that they can be. There is such a wide variety of career fields, some working harder than others, but all becoming successful in their own ways. Actual happiness always looks pretty squalid in comparison with the over-compensations for misery. And, of course, stability isnt nearly so spectacular as instability. And being contented has none of the glamour of a good fight against misfortune, none of the picturesqueness of a struggle with temptation, or a fatal overthrow by passion or doubt. Happiness is never grand. The world has become such a cruel, hard place to live. Prices have gone up, houses have been lost and the economy has crashed. Although the government does not control much of the studies like in Brave New World, they still have their reign over a lot of our world today. A good example of how the economy has Makidon 3 ffected families today is the reason why we moved here from Michigan. My parents both work in the Cardiac Cath Lab and the hospital they worked at in Northern Michigan ended up having to close departments down and let go of a ton of people in every department. My dad had just graduated Lawrence Technical University with a Masters degree but that still couldnt help us back east. He was offered a job here and took it right away. The east coast has been hit the hardest since the economy has crashed, government spending has put a lot of stress and anxiety on tax payers. In certain aspects the book can relate to todays society, but the government had total control over all studies and people in 632 A. F. New ideas of medical issues come alive in this novel, and the technology we use today. Since this book has been published, we no longer use the Bokanosky process, but instead we only remove the eggs and sperm from the reproductive organs, grow them in a petrie dish then put them back into the uterus for growth and development, also known as in vitro fertilization. The mindset the government had was they were constantly making newer and better technology to create â€Å"perfect† individuals without error.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Current marine issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Current marine issue - Essay Example tion at the international level via amendments to MARPOL Annex VI is the most effective way that can be followed by the shipping companies to achieve both financial as well as ethical success. To accomplish this, hardwares, including the internal as well as the hardware need to be quality tested and has to be made sure that it is sea worthy. Then importantly, the environment should be made devoid of the dangerous SOx and NOx. For that, variety of technologies is available in the market for the shipping companies. Thus, shipping organizations should understand the serious nature of the problem and put their minds to come up with strategies that can overcome the negative fallout. For every ship management company, the concept of social responsibility is of vital importance. Vital importance in the sense, it is not a compulsion on the part of ship management company to imbue social responsibility in their policies, strategies and goals. However, if it were added, it would function as a right ingredient positively changing the lives of not only the common people but as the well as the organization, both in the financial sense as well as in the image sense. So, ship Management Company has to find ways to initiate plans to cater to the common people in the society and importantly protect or not destroy the environment through eco-friendly measures. They could do this by organizing separate actions or events that will fulfill its social responsibility. Or the ship management companies could do this, by integrating certain policies or rules into their setup, which apart from helping the organization in smooth and effective functioning, also helps to fulfill its so cial responsibility. â€Å"It is worth stressing that being socially responsible means not only complying with relevant legislation, but also going beyond compliance and investing more than required into human capital and the relations with stakeholders† (Fafaliou, Lekakou and Theotokas 2002) Nowadays, management